River Of Souls - Celebrating the Music of Dan Fogelberg


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The Environment

Related Links | Roots, Influences, and Contemporaries | The Environment | Native America
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gentle sounds of the tropical rainforest as you continue on your journey down the river...

Dan Fogelberg is very concerned about our environment, as we all should be. Here are some agencies and organizations with ways you and I can help ensure that our children's children's children will grow up in a safe, healthy, and natural environment:

The Environmental Protection Agency - Protecting human health, safeguarding the natural environment

USDA Forest Service - Caring for the land and serving people

DOE - Office of Environmental Policy and Assistance - Developing DOE-wide environmental protection policies and strategies for protecting the public and the environment

The Wilderness Society - Founded in 1935, The Wilderness Society works to protect America's wilderness and to develop a nation-wide network of wild lands through public education, scientific analysis and advocacy. Click HERE if you would like to get involved.

World Wildlife Fund - "Working together, we can leave our children a living planet"

Lovearth Network - Connecting through 100+ EcoHumanPolitical web sites

EnviroLink Network - The Online Environmental Community

The Center for Environmental Citizenship

Honor the Earth - A voice for the Earth, a voice for those who are not heard

Earth Share: One environment - One simple way to care for it

Local Impact: Reducing waste in your area

About.com: Environmental Issues

One World Journeys

Gaia Nation


Southeast Alaska Conservation Council

Activism Alerts