Dan Fogelberg is very concerned about our environment, as we all should be. Here are some agencies and organizations with ways you and I can help ensure that our children's children's children will grow up in a safe, healthy, and natural environment:
The Environmental Protection Agency - Protecting human health, safeguarding the natural environment
USDA Forest Service - Caring for the land and serving people
DOE - Office of Environmental Policy and Assistance - Developing DOE-wide environmental protection policies and strategies for protecting the public and the environment
The Wilderness Society - Founded in 1935, The Wilderness Society works to protect America's wilderness and to develop a nation-wide network of wild lands through public education, scientific analysis and advocacy. Click HERE if you would like to get involved.
World Wildlife Fund - "Working together, we can leave our children a living planet"
Lovearth Network - Connecting through 100+ EcoHumanPolitical web sites
EnviroLink Network - The Online Environmental Community
The Center for Environmental Citizenship
Honor the Earth - A voice for the Earth, a voice for those who are not heard
Earth Share: One environment - One simple way to care for it
Local Impact: Reducing waste in your area
About.com: Environmental Issues
One World Journeys
Gaia Nation
Southeast Alaska Conservation Council
Activism Alerts