On this page, I have posted comments I've received in my Guestbook and via e-mail. Open posts to the Guestbook will be posted here automatically. I will post your e-mail comments only with your permission, unless it is a concert review or birthday wish, which implies consent to post. Subject matter posted here appears exactly as posted in the Guestbook or as received via e-mail. However, I will correct typos when necessary to make for easier reading by your fellow fans. Please get in touch with me about what Dan's music means to you!
Send your feedback to river_of_souls@hotmail.com
Hello from Rhode Island
From: Julieclayville@aol.com
Fri 1/18/08 4:25 PM
I am a fan of DF going back to 77. I grew up in St. Louis and took a 5 hour bus ride to Kansas City for my first DF concert in 80. I just came upon your website, as I was looking for additional reading material on Dan. Here it is a month after he died and I still find myself crying listening to certain songs. It is hard to accept that we will have no more new poetry and music from such a genius. At least we have his marvelous songbook to sustain us. I get something new & different out of his lyrics all the time, I guess because they hold an entirely different meaning to a 46 year old woman (as opposed to the 16 year old girl I was yesterday!)
Thanks for your lovely site and insight. Bless you in this new year.
Julie King
Thanks for writing in with your comments, Julie.
Friday 12/24/2007
Lou writes via the Guestbook:
Monday 12/24/2007 5:44:39am
Name: lou
E-Mail: cooter@hotmail.com
City/Country: pittsburgh,pa
Referred By: Just Surfed In
I've been a Dan Fan for: 20-25 Years
Why I love Dan's music: "everything about this man's music was mystical. every song had something about it that touched the very depth of your soul."
My Best Dan Concert: pittsburgh.....80's
I: Love this site!
Webmaster's Comments: Thank you for sharing your memories with us, Lou.
Nick writes via email (posted with permission):
"I have been a fan since the early 70's - sadly never got the chance
to see him live - there is a huge hole inside me. As an amateur musician
his music has been a huge influence on my playing style and vocal
expression. It is so sad that we will never hear him again.
Canberra, Australia"
Thank you, Nick. There is a huge hole inside all of Dan Land right now.
Friday 06/16/2006 3:14:23pm
Linda, who has been a Dan fan for 25-30 years, writes via the Guestbook:
"Dan's musical talent is so phenomenal. I believe each and every song is a well-put-together masterpiece! Nothing is better than to listen to Dan's voice sing his lyrics to his musical compositions...He draws from his life experience but somehow makes his songs feel like they were drawn from your own. He can do so many types of music from classical, contemporary, rock, so easily. He is a master musician and I just love the quality and tone of his voice. I can and do, listen to his music so much, but I never tire from listening and its been close to 30 years now!!! I am so very saddened that Dan may never record again, but I am being selfish--he has given us so many wonderful musical gifts. I hope and pray he is doing well in his battle against prostate cancer, in fact I do pray daily for him-its the least I can do!"
Thank you, Linda, for your wonderful, well-voiced sentiments. I'm sure that Dan will appreciate it very much!
12/21/2005 4:03:20pm
Pat Adams of Nashville, Tennessee, who has been a Dan fan for 25-30 Years, writes via the Guestbook:
"Great mellow sounds that I started listening to in the 1970's beginning with Captured Angel. This was just the 1st of many favorites by Dan.
"My favorite Dan concert was at the Grand Ole Opry House in Nashville, M.T.S.U. Murphy Center and the Municipal Auditorium in Nashville, which I have pictures on my website www.tennesseeconcerts.com along with a 1000 more Nashville concert pictures of Classic Rock, Country and Oldies since 1970."
Pat's Homepage
E-mail: pat@tennesseeconcerts.com
Thanks for the link, Pat! Nice web site! -Greg
Lynn of Wisconsin, a Dan fan for more than 20 years, writes via the Guestbook:
"How could you not [love Dan's music]~!!!! The words, the music, nothing short of genious. [My best concert was] at summerfest grounds in Milwaukee, main stage. I was in the fourth row just off to the right and you stopped for a couple minuets to tune your guitar. It was very quiet so I yelled I LOVE YOU, and you chuckled and said want to help me tune this guitar? After the show my friend and I partied with the road crew on the buses. What an incredible night. Unfortunaly you had already left so we got to meet you. I was around 25 years old at the time and am 44 now!! Lots of time passed but still seems like it happened yesterday!! Thanks for the memories."
Thanks for signing the Guestbook, Lynn!
Monday 06/23/2003 12:47:53am
Alvin Grisham of Hendersonville, TN, a Dan fan for 25-30 Years, writes in via the Guestbook:
"[Why I love Dan's music]: Gee, I dunno __ after being a Dan fan for 3+ decades, it's just life.
"My Best Dan Concert: Starwood, 1988 (near Nashville)"
Thank you, "Old Tennessee" Alvin, for signing the guestbook! I remember talking with you in line at the Keswick Theater in 2001. How time flies when you're having fun in Dan Land!
Homepage: alvin.mysitespace.com
E-Mail: oldtnalvin@comcast.net
Thanks again for floating me this note in a bottle...
"The spirits dance across the ages
And melt into a river of souls..."
Lenny R. of New York, a Dan fan of nearly three decades, writes via the Guestbook:
"I love his words more than anything. In my opinion he is the best songwriter ever! He just makes me feel good when I listen to his music...[The concerts] were all good but my last one which was June 1 at the Keswick Theatre ranked high because my oldest daughter came and it was her first time and after she told me Dan won her over! I think I had a tear or two for her remark.
Thanks for signing my Guestbook, Lenny! I always love it when a new Dan Fan is won over. Now your daughter needs all of Dan's CDs (hint, hint)! Thanks for taking a trip down the River!
D.J. of Taylor, South Carolina writes via e-mail:
"Once upon a time a writer named Dan crafted a wondrous song entitled 'Leader of the Band.' I first heard it, many years ago, shortly after my father died. Although not all the words are appropriate (i.e., I'm a "daddy's girl"), there are many phrases within the song that are very true of me and my father. I have the cassette with this song and play it often enough that even my sons (ages 16 and 11) identify it with my father.
"Today it is exactly 17 years since I lost my father. I was listening to the radio on the way to work this morning, had become impatient with what was playing, and changed station after station. While I was doing that, I looked up to the sky and whispered "happy birthday, Daddy. I still miss you." Suddenly I heard "Leader of the Band" on the radio. Coincidence? Who knows. Maybe Daddy heard me, and he was just letting me know he had.
"Thanks, Dan."
D.J. Gordon"
Coincidence? I think not! Thank you, D.J., for sending in that wonderful story! -Greg
08/21/2002 Christian Kuschel of Foehren, Germany has this belated birthday wish for Dan:
"Having posted birthday wishes on other DF sites already, how could I forget to do it here at RoS? Must be old age setting in ;-)
"So, a bit late but better than not at all: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAN! We sang a toast for you over here in Europe while looking at the annual August 13 shooting star spectacle in the night skies.
"Thanks for the music, thanks for the wonderful summer tour this year... and keep busy getting the new album finished ;-)
Best wishes,
"Sonia & Christian
Foehren, Germany"
Thanks for writing in with your birthday wishes to Dan, Christian! As they say, better late than never, and it's the thought that counts anyway... I'm sure that Dan will appreciate it, even a week late! -Greg
08/13/2002Mary Helen Anderson has this birthday wish for Dan:
"I just came across your site while trying to find a way to contact Dan to tell him Happy Birthday today. It's beautifully done. Dan and I are the same age, and like many of those who posted, I've been a fan since Home Free. I've been to only one concert - a rare small venue appearance in his (and at the time, my) hometown in Colorado, but I was fortunate enough to meet Dan on several occassions during the time I was putting together all the paperwork and legal documents for the purchase of his ranch there. I was sooooo starstruck and probably never said anything intelligible in his presence, but he was always a gentleman and didn't laugh at me. :>)
Anyway, I wish I knew how to tell him I hope he has a wonderful day today."
You just have, Mary Helen! Thanks for writing in! -Greg
06/19/2002 Tricia writes via the guestbook:
"Dan has been my spirit guide for as long as I can remember. In a sense , I feel we have been growing up together. As he travels his musical path and documents it so eloquently for us, I know that his music somehow will echo where I am going, and inspire me to keep moving forward. His musicianship is unsurpassed, (and overlooked too often by the industry) and his insight is mystical. I wish I could one day meet the person I have quietly considered my best friend all of these years. I would thank him, for always being there for me, and always knowing exactly what to say.
"Each show I attend becomes his best show. I saw him last night (June 18) in Peoria and he and the band were awesome. However, I do have the fondest memories of his solo acoustic tour. That was pure Dan; confident, yet vulnerable, giving all he had to us. Amazing!
"It is nice to be able to have a place to share my love for the work of this amazing artist. Thank you for the time you gave to the creation of this site."
And thank you for taking the time to sign the guestbook, Tricia! Thank you also for your kind words about this web site. -Greg
06/16/2002 Laura Boughner of Richmond, Virginia writes via the Guestbook:
"He touches my heart and soul. I realized at a young age that I wasn't alone in this world when I first heard Dan's music. I realized someone else felt the same way I did and I was so thankful. His music has comforted me, motivated me, strengthened me, given me hope and most of all given me PEACE! I don't believe I would have made it through this life without his kindred spirit to soothe my soul, esp in my teenage years when I first started to listen to Dan. There were times when he was my soul motivation. He has touched my family and my friends with his music, and has influenced our lives. I am and always will be forever indebted to Dan for sharing his gifts with the world. I thank him for following his heart and for sharing his heart and soul with us. I wouln't have made it without this precious man. I thank him, I thank him a thousand times over. I have seen Dan 9 times in concert. My favorite was in 1991 at the Garden State Art Center in Holmdel, New Jersey. I drove 8 hrs on a whim that I might get to meet him. A man in the audience gave me a back stage pass and I MET HIM THAT NIGHT! It was just as I had always dreamed, well, ALMOST! It was the most memorable night of my life and the most mystical. I also really enjoyed his concert this year at the Harbor Center in Porstmouth, Va. He is getting better with age. I always hate to see the night end. I never want him to leave. His concerts have made for some of the most precious memories of my life. I thank him from the bottom of my heart. I am so thankful for this site. It is good to be so connected. Thank you so much!"
You're welcome! :-) And thank you for your very kind words and wonderful story, Laura!
06/15/2002 Toni writes via e-mail:
"Thank you for the work and energy you have put into this site!!! My partner and I will be getting the pleasure of listening to Dan live this summer while he is out on his tour!
"For myself, Dan has brought many hours of thought and emotions as I listen to him.
"For my partner, he has brought much more! With his music and words Dan was able to help her survive a harsh and loveless home. When she was locked in her room the imagery that Dan Fogelberg would sing about would take her to peaceful, love filled places. She will be turning 40 this July and I can think of no better gift for her than to hear Dan sing live and no better gift for me, than to watch her go to those peaceful, love filled places and know when she returns, that she now feels that love and peace with me and our family. So to you Dan Fogelberg...I thank you and wish you peace and calm.
"All of my respect,
Thank you for sharing your story with us, Toni. I'm sure it will touch many hearts. -Greg
05/05/2002 Denton writes via e-mail: "Dan's finally coming back to Houston! I always have to travel to see him and now he's coming to my backyard. What a deal. And with Christopher
Cross! I've been wondering what happened to Chris...used to listen to him a
lot too. Great albums, then he went away. Can't wait to see Dan and Chris
all in one night. Let us know about any new albums. Heard talk of a live
solo album --perfect. I've also wondered on occasion if Dan and John Denver
ever met. Seems they had a lot in common (acoustic music, homes in
Colorado, love of wilderness, etc.). Cheers, Denton"
Thanks for writing in, Denton! I was wondering what happened to Chris as well... I was and still am a big fan of his! So glad you don't have to travel this year, and you get to see TWO of your favorite singer-songwriters in one night! It doesn't get any better than that! By the way... keep your eyes and ears open this summer or fall... I think you just might have a very pleasant suprise coming to a record store near you soon. (Hint... it's NOT a live album...)
02/28/2002 Jan in Columbus, Mississippi, a Dan Fan of 25-30 years, writes via the Guesbook:
"[Why I love Dan's music]: Difficult to put into words. He is the only artist whose every single album I made sure to buy as soon as it came out. (Which means Dan's been with me through all the musical stages of my life...lp's, cassettes, cd's.)
"Best concert: Do I have the dubious distinction of being the oldest follower on the page? My first concert was in l972 in a gym, of all things, on Miss. State University's campus. It was very intimate compared to later concerts. As I listened to pieces from "Home Free", I didn't realize how special so much of what he wrote and recorded over the next 30 years would be to me. And thank goodness it has."
Thanks for writing in, Jan! -Greg
The Armchair Activist (and Dan Fan!) of Baltimore, MD (the Webmaster's home town!), a fan of 25-30 years writes via the Guestbook:
"[Why I love Dan's music]: Beauty, Artistry, Intelligence, Soulfulness, Melody, Musicianship, Innovation, History. Best concert: Each and every one of them. And I've seen him more times than I can count. You have done a fabulous job. Thank you! Be a voice for peace and good things at The Armchair Activist".
Thank you! You have done a fabulous job as well at The Armchair Activist! -Greg
02/14/2002 Ellen writes via e-mail: "I have been a Dan Fan since the 70's...his music has totally enriched my soul. It has lifted my spirits, caused me to think about the universe, gotten me through a rough break-up, and brought me much pleasure and joy.
"My first Fogelberg concert was in 1987 in Orange County, one of his acoustical tours. The very first song he sung was about how you are mine for tonight; I cried, and then proceeded to cry for the entire concert because I was so moved. If you knew me, you would know how amazing that is...because I rarely shed tears. Dan, I love you...keep it up!"
Thank you for sharing those very touching comments with us, Ellen.
Carol writes via e-mail:
"Dan, a special crafter of songs, and wayfarer of desert places: We will always be grateful for the journeyings of the soul in Nature's Way. The way people and energy interconnect and the intention behind the words and feelings. I am thankful to this webmaster's intention (love the opening song -- very playful and fun). I'm grateful to hear of another tour en-route. I can only hope there will be something offered in a smaller location toward southern Oregon or northern California. I have appreciated that Dan will sometimes choose a beautiful setting, but one not so blown away by large numbers of people. Thanks for news of upcoming concerts. I hope to stay tuned. In joy and harmony with this day, Carol."
And the next day, following my reply...
"Thank you for the message from the heart. Life is amazing. I believe the most powerful gift we as humans have is the freedom of choice. If it is love and sharing we choose then that is what comes across and what we get back -- simple but true...
"You have family here and may someday pass this way again. Oh, the special places, people, and memories fill us up and really belong to the eternal moment, giving us the character of who we are.
"You have a wonderful web site. I am originally from the southwest -- New Mexico and your web site reminds me of that home. You've done a marvelous job. Fun and special tribute to Dan. Yes, you may use the correspondence (message from a bottle) on your feedback webpage. Thank you for asking. I enjoy prose and the written word. My sister and I grew up singing around the campfire on wilderness excursions with the family. It made a significant difference in my life. My sister interestingly enough is recording in Ashland, OR right this moment and someday will come out with a marvelous acoustical CD all songs written by her but, that's another story.
"I saw Dan at Konocti Bay Resort this last year. You spoke of Northern California -- great place! I found a wonderful beach there -- Kings Conservation Area -- Black Pebble beach -- en route to the concert. I'm notorious for taking the road less traveled. It was a powerful stop and due to enjoyment and recording the ocean there, time slipped by and I did get lost coming to Konocti arriving late - which was fine. The concert was inwardly contemplative as well as a joyous outward occasion for me. I connected with my cousin from Napa. I felt fortunate with our seat locations and took what I feel is a very special photo of Dan who was soulfully responsive in that moment. He seems to be able to pick-up on energy, especially if it non-attached and for right out-comes.
"While visiting the pueblos and dances in NM I learned the Indian way of participation is with a gracious heart, inward, and always with Spirit's playful hand in right out-comes. Due to many circumstances, I've learned to trust my insights and intuition, as it's a way-shower for me.
"Like a family member or friend, I wish for Dan, his mother, Jean, and family members continued health and happiness.
"May your journeys always be pleasant ones full of warmth, friendship, and laughter.
"All the best -- in friendship, Carol"
Thank you, Carol, for your compliments and very insightful and warm comments!
02/08/2002 Cindy of Keller, TX writes via e-mail: "Wow, awesome! I just wanted to glance at this before I replied, but it's been over two hours, and I couldn't drag myself away from it. I've been to several of Dan's concerts -- ALL of them fantastic, but it's been several years since I've caught him in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. I'm so hoping he stops here on his next tour. I'll keep checking to see. I'm just outside of Ft. Worth, TX in a city called Keller. I work in Dallas. I have two boys, who this May will be 16 and 10! Wow, their age makes me feel old, but when I listen to Dan's music I feel ageless, like I did back in high school (when I first heard him at 15). I just turned 40 -- by-the-way my birthday is Aug. 6, so Dan and I are right at 10 years apart, both Leos -- so that puts me in the long-term follower's group of 20+ years. Hard to believe. Well, I'm so glad you e-mailed. I'll save this site for reminiscing purposes, and do feel free to e-mail again. God bless you and yours -- and Dan & all his fans."
Thanks, Cindy!
01/03/2002 Sharon of Apex, North Carolina writes via e-mail: "I was thrilled to find this website. My husband has been a 'Dan Fan' since he first heard 'Part of the Plan' upon its release many years ago. When I met him, I quickly became a forever fan as well. Many of Dan's songs seemed to be written right to us at either happy or difficult times during our relationship. One of my most romantic memories with my husband is of one night long ago when he sat me down in front of his stereo and played 'Anastasia's Eyes' for me. He had come through a painful divorce before we got together and had 'thorns in the heart of me.' He said that I was his Anastasia. We're still together, happily married now, with two wonderful sons. Our 7-year old is well on his way to being a Dan Fan also. His dad is very proud. I'm anxiously checking this site for 2002 tour dates - I would love to surprise my husband with concert tickets if Dan is close enough!! Thanks for all the work that goes into this site. It is bookmarked!" What a great story, Sharon! I went through a painful divorce as well, which was final in 1987, the year Exiles came out. How's that for perfect timing? Dan's work truely is the "music of our lives," is it not?
12/30/2001 Anastasia writes via the Guestbook: "I love his way -- his versatility -- depth of feeling and effort. His songs were meant to be! Inspiration, hope -- sharing feelings and giving our everyday lives fantasy, hope, and glory. Showing our country's beauty and nature and majesty. Who wouldn't love his way! Thank you for a great website to enjoy -- I love the waterfall screen and nature sounds."
Thank you very much, Anastasia! Hmmm... your name sounds familiar... ;-)
12/25/2001 Patti from Dickinson, North Dakota writes via e-mail: "I am determined to see Dan Fogelberg in concert again as soon as I can manage it, but need to find concert dates and places somewhere... help me when you can, please! Thanks... Patti" And then by e-mail later the same day: "Thanks for your quick response... I have just bookmarked your site - the only site I found worthy of a bookmark after 4 1/2 hours of web 'Dan Time' on this Christmas morning! Life just does not allow me as much time as I would like to spend on him and his music... but both remain a passion of mine. Thanks for being what seems to be a real and credible connection! Speaking of things that drives one crazy... What's with websites that have not been updated for 4 or 5 years!!!? I was overjoyed to see today's date on yours!! Merry, Merry Christmas... Patti"
Thanks for writing, Patti... and thank you very much for the compliments!
12/01/2001 Mark from Detroit writes via e-mail: "I've also been a fan of Dan's for many years. When I used to play in a band and tour, one of the biggest compliments I would receive is 'you sound just like Fogelberg' when I would do songs from his first three albums. 'Stars' always brought the house down!"
Thanks for writing, Mark! Maybe someday, I'll get the chance to see you perform Dan's song's onstage!
11/24/2001 Delana Lindsey of Grafton, MA writes in the Guestbook: "As I am writing this, I am listening to this incredible talent. I am a little vocalist in a small town. I have been singing and writing for many years. I have learned to express what I feel with the knowledge of Mr. Folgelberg. When I write a song, it is with all that I gained from Dan & his associates. I'm delighted to have found this website and I hope you will reply. [I] have been a fan for 25 years. Never got to a concert. Please, let me know when he's in New England again... Thank you."
And thank you for your comments, Delana! I would love to reply to you, but you didn't leave me your e-mail address! :-) So I've put my reply here. You're in luck this summer, Delana! Dan will be performing live at the Oakdale Theater in Wallingford, CT on June 9, 2002! I hope you can make it!
11/24/2001 Michael Caldwell of St. Louis, MO had this to say in the Guestbook about how Dan's music has influenced him: "[Dan's music is] very genuine, very open, free, and alive. Also he is one of a very few artists that has the talent to do a wide range of musical styles from bluegrass to classical. A very talented individual. I have had the pleasure of seeing Dan many times and at many different places, from Colorado to Kansas City to St. Louis, but the one that stands out is the live show in St. Louis [in] June, 1991."
And that, as all true Dan fans know, was on the 25th of June, 1991, at the Fox Theater -- the venue for the CD and video, "Dan Fogelberg Live - Greetings From the West." Thanks for your keen insights into Dan's music, Michael!