Here are links to pages of photographs of Dan that I have either downloaded from the web or scanned from songbooks, CDs, and LPs that I own.
Click on a picture where indicated (when you see a gloved, pointing hand while hovering over a picture) to see a larger photograph. If you see a "+" sign on the cursor as you hover over the large photograph, then click on it to see it in its larger, native size, since most browsers will automatically resize large pictures to fit on the screen.
I will be consolidating photographs seen on other parts of the web site into the Photos pages. If my scan is better than the picture I download from the web, then obviously the scan will supersede the downloaded one. This will almost always be the case since most images of Dan found on the web are very small and of low resolution, with lots of JPG anomalies.
The Photos pages are under construction and will be steadily growing over time. All photographs are now scanned as single document TIFF images using my new high-resolution Epson scanner. It looks like 300 dpi will be the resolution that I use, although that may change. Anything larger is probably way too big for the web. Still, they should be suitable for printing at 8"x10" and 11"x14". I will try to keep the finished JPGs of the large scans under 300 KB, although some will be larger. Pages 6 and up do not yet exist.
As an alternative, you can browse through the photographs HERE.
HERE is a real treat for you. Enjoy some pictures that I shot in Magnolia and Nederland during my Colorado vacation in 2004.