The story is told of the
Power of gold
And it's lure on the
It glitters and shines
It badgers and blinds
And constantly needs protecting.
Balance the cost of the soul
You lost
With the dreams you lightly
Are you under
The power of gold?
The letters and calls
Got you climbing the walls
And everyone wants a favor
They beg to remind you
Of times left behind you
But you know the past is a
The face you're wearing
Is different now
And the days run hot and cold
Are you under
The power of gold?
You're a creature of habit
Run like a rabbit
Scared of a fear you can't name
You own paranoia
Is looming before you
But nobody thinks that
It's a game.
Balance the cost of the soul
You lost
With the dreams you lightly
Then tell me
That you're free
Of the power of gold.
The women are lovely
The wine is superb
But there's something
About the song
That disturbs you... "The Power Of Gold" Words and music by Daniel Fogelberg Copyright 1978 Hickory Grove Music (ASCAP) "A quickie I dashed off at the end of the "Twin Sons" project to rock things up a bit and give us a shot at radio play. Went to Europe to avoid the release of what I thought would be a monumental flop. A very pleasant surprise."-Dan Fogelberg, from the liner notes in Portrait. Released on LP, 8-track and cassette tape in August, 1978 by Epic/CBS Records. Produced by Dan Fogelberg and Tim Weisberg for Full Moon Productions. Certified Platinum TWINS THEME (Instrumental) INTIMIDATION (Instrumental) LAZY SUSAN (Instrumental) GUITAR ETUDE NO.3 (Instrumental) TELL ME TO MY FACE HURTWOOD ALLEY (Instrumental) LAHAINA LUNA (Instrumental) PARIS NOCTURNE (Instrumental) SINCE YOU'VE ASKED THE POWER OF GOLD