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Greg's Galactic Place In Cyberspace
Interviews and Articles

Here are a few interviews and articles I've culled from different sources.

A recent interview with Monty Colvin, dated Friday, June 7, 2000. By Marco P. Overvest at Art for the Ears. All about the latest album, Let It Go.

An article about Let It Go in Hard Radio Review.

An interview with Monty, shortly after the release of At the End of the Day.

Another interview regarding At the End of the Day, this time by Christopher J. Kelter of roughedge.com, in March of 1999.

Here's a great interview with Monty dated October 17, 1997, around the time that The Horse That Bud Bought was released.

A November, 1996 interview with Monty, about the EP Feel the Rage.

An interview with Ben, conducted by Sheila René of RockNet in April of 1996, three months after the release of Machine Fish.

An interview with Monty, in the Jul/Aug '93 issue of HM, concerning the Space In Your Face album.